ESSA State Plan Development Update

ESSA State Plan Development Update
Posted on by stem100kin10

Each State is in the process of developing their first Consolidated State Plan under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), incorporating Stakeholder Engagement feedback as they develop plans to implement the new law.

State Education Agencies (SEAs) were asked by the US Department of Education to select one of two dates for submission of their State ESSA Consolidated Plans. Eighteen SEAs (17 states + the District of Columbia) announced their intent to submit plans to the Department of Education by April 3, 2017; the remaining states intended to do so by the second date, September 8, 2017.

This update provides links to each SEA website where the most recent ESSA plan information can be found. The first section of the report has information on the first 18 SEAs planning to submit plans in April, and includes the status of their plan development; mentions of STEM in their plans (if any) to date; and information on the windows for public comment and feedback to help ensure those states identify STEM as a priority. The second section provides an overview of the other 33 states that have selected the September 8th filing date. While basic information around their planning process is included for all these states, where available we have also included opportunities for action.

Learn more about your state’s plan here.